Geographical names
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Service types
NLS-FI INSPIRE Download Service (WFS) for Geographical Names Theme is an INSPIRE compliant direct access Web Feature Service. It contains the following INSPIRE feature types: NamedPlace. The service is based on the Geographic Names Register of the National Land Survey of Finland. The dataset is administrated by the National Land Survey of Finland.
WFS download service for ELF Geographical Names dataset of Finland
Road names is a raster product that covers the whole of Finland and includes the road names and the street names of the road network stored in the Topographic database. The positional accuracy of the product Road names corresponds to that of scale 1:10 000. The product is updated twice a year. The product Road names is only available via the service interface. The product is a part of the open data of the National Land Survey of Finland.
NLS-FI INSPIRE View Service for Geographical Names Theme is an INSPIRE compliant Web Map Service. It contains the following harmonized INSPIRE map layers: NamedPlace. The service is based on the Geographic Names Register of the National Land Survey of Finland. The dataset is administrated by the National Land Survey of Finland.
NLS-FI INSPIRE Geographical Names Theme Dataset is a dataset depicting the Named Places and Geographical Names covering the whole of Finland. It contains the following INSPIRE feature types: NamedPlace The elements are updated weekly. The dataset is based on the Geographic Names Register of the National Land Survey of Finland: The dataset is available via the NLS-FI INSPIRE Download Service (WFS) for Geographical Names Theme and it can be viewed via the NLS-FI INSPIRE View Service (WMS) for Geographical Names.
The GML file products containing geographic names comprise of place name products and map name products. The place name products include data about approximately 800,000 named places and their names in different languages. Data about place are among others place type, plane location and height above sea level, and data about names are among others the spelling that has been checked by the Institute for the Languages of Finland and language (Finnish, Swedish, Northern Sami, Inari Sami or Skolt Sami. In the place name products, every place and its name or names appear only once. The map name products contain the place names that have been selected for the National Land Survey's nine standard map products and information about the cartographical presentation of them. The information includes the location of the name on the map, for instance the coordinates of the left lower corner of the map text, the direction and bending of the text as well as typographical information, such as font type, size and colour. The name of a particular place, such as a river, can appear several times in the same map product. The file products containing geographic names are GML files whose contents are equivalent to the interface products in the Geographic names search service (WFS). One file always contains the data about the entire country. There are two place name products (Places and Place names), nine map name products, one for each map product (map scale). The geographic names products are available for downloading on the National Land Survey's File service of open data
The Arctic SDI Gazetteer Service is a service that contains authoritative place names data from the arctic area. The service can be used for searching place names and performing reverse geocoding. The service contains about 2.87 million place name locations with about 3.15 million place names. It contains data from following sources: * Canada (Natural Resources Canada, updated: 02/2018) * Denmark (including Greenland) (SDFE, updated: 05/2017) * Finland (National Land Survey of Finland, updated: 04/2017) * GEBCO Undersea feature names gazetteer (updated: 04/2019) * Iceland (National Land Survey of Iceland, updated: 08/2017) * Norway (Norwegian Mapping Authority, updated: 08/2017) * Russia (Russian Mapping Agency, updated: 04/2019) * Sweden (Swedish National Mapping Agency, updated: 05/2017) * USA (US Geological Survey, updated: 05/2017)
Palvelun kautta voi saada käyttöön paikannimi- ja karttanimitietoja. Palvelu on tarkoitettu WFS-standardia tukevien sovellusten käyttöön. Lisätietoja
Palvelun kautta saa käyttöön ajantasaiset rasterimuotoiset perus-, maasto- ja yleiskartat sekä ilmakuvat. Palvelu on tarkoitettu WMTS-standardia tukevien sovellusten käyttöön. Lisätietoja Palvelun käyttö on maksullista ja vaatii käyttäjätunnuksen ja salasanan.
Tiedostopalvelun INSPIRE-syöte on Atom-syöte, jonka kautta on saatavilla Maanmittauslaitoksen tiedostoina ladattavat maastotieto- ja kiinteistörekisterikarttatietotuotteet. Aineistoja hallinnoi Maanmittauslaitos. Palvelun käyttö vaatii autentikointia eli tunnistautumista käyttäjätunnuksen ja salasanan avulla ja on avoimien aineistojen osalta maksutonta, muiden aineistojen osalta maksullista. Tunnuksen palvelun käyttöön voi tilata -osoitteesta. Tunnuksen perustaminen on maksullista.