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    Air traffic network-product is a link-knot routing dataset compliant with INSPIRE requirements. It includes f.ex. flight routes and aerodromes. Data shall not be used for operational flight activities or flight planning.

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    FTIA INSPIRE Transport Networks Theme Dataset is a dataset depicting the Transport Networks covering the whole of Finland. It contains the following INSPIRE feature types: Road network, Rail network, Waterway network and Air transport network. The dataset is available via the FTIA INSPIRE Download Service (WFS) for Transport Networks and it can be viewed via the FTIA INSPIRE View Service (WMS) for Transport Networks.

  • FTIA INSPIRE View Service (WMS) for Transport Networks is an INSPIRE compliant . It contains the following INSPIRE feature types: Road network, Railway network, Waterway network and Air transport network. The service is based on the FTIA INSPIRE Transport Networks Theme Dataset. The dataset is administrated by the Finnish Transport Agency. The service is still under development and as such accessibility and full operationality or conformity with Inspire spesifications is not guaranteed.

  • This dataset represents the density of all IMO registered ships operating in the Baltic Sea. Density is defined as the number of ships crossing a 1 x 1km grid cell. It is based on HELCOM AIS (Automatic Identification System) data. The HELCOM AIS network hosts all the AIS signals received by the Baltic Sea States since 2005. The AIS Explorer allows to compare density maps of different ship types per month: The data was processed to produce density maps and traffic statistics. All scripts are available in GitHub: The production of these maps have been carried out 2016-2017 through the HELCOM project on the assessment of maritime activities in the Baltic Sea. The underlying AIS data processing work has been co-financed by EU projects Baltic Scope (2015-2017 EASME/EMFF/2014/ and Baltic Lines (2016-2019, Interreg Baltic Sea Region). In addition, the Ministry of the Environment of Finland supported the work with a special contribution in view of the use of the results in the HOLAS II process.

  • Tiedostopalvelun INSPIRE-syöte on Atom-syöte, jonka kautta on saatavilla Maanmittauslaitoksen tiedostoina ladattavat maastotieto- ja kiinteistörekisterikarttatietotuotteet. Aineistoja hallinnoi Maanmittauslaitos. Palvelun käyttö vaatii autentikointia eli tunnistautumista käyttäjätunnuksen ja salasanan avulla ja on avoimien aineistojen osalta maksutonta, muiden aineistojen osalta maksullista. Tunnuksen palvelun käyttöön voi tilata -osoitteesta. Tunnuksen perustaminen on maksullista.

  • Palvelun kautta saa käyttöön ajantasaiset rasterimuotoiset perus-, maasto- ja yleiskartat sekä ilmakuvat. Palvelu on tarkoitettu WMTS-standardia tukevien sovellusten käyttöön. Lisätietoja Palvelun käyttö on maksullista ja vaatii käyttäjätunnuksen ja salasanan.

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    The Topographic database is a dataset depicting the terrain of all of Finland. The key objects in the Topographic database are the road network, buildings and constructions, administrative borders, geographic names, land use, waterways and elevation. Aerial photographs, scanning data and data provided by other data providers are utilised in updating the Topographic database. The updating is done in close cooperation with the municipalities. Field checks in the terrain are also needed to some extent, mostly as regards the classification of features. The topographic database is used in the production of other map products and in various optimisation tasks. The product belongs to the open data of the National Land Survey of Finland. More information: Topographic data and how to acquire it

  • The Arctic SDI Geoportal provides access to geospatial data and services available via the Arctic SDI to support and facilitate monitoring, management and decision making, and support sustainable development in the Arctic. Specifically, the Arctic SDI Geoportal facilitates the discovery, visualization, evaluation, download and integration of geographic data from a variety of sources for the Arctic. The Arctic SDI Geoportal is the result of cooperative efforts between the National Mapping Agencies (NMAs) of the eight Arctic Council Member countries - Canada, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Russia, Sweden and the United States. The Arctic SDI Geoportal includes reference data (such as the Arctic SDI topographic basemap or Pan-Arctic Digital Elevation Model) and thematic data from various sources. Thematic data section includes themes such as oceans, climatology and geoscientific information. Most of the data covers the Arctic or the involved Arctic countries, but new data sources with a smaller or larger geographical extent may be accepted. The Geoportal allows searching placenames via a circumpolar gazetteer, and embedding interactive maps to any website. Some of the features require registration.

  • Paikkatietohakemisto is a national metadata discovery service.