32 m
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Elevation zones is a raster dataset that visualises elevation of the terrain. The product covers the whole of Finland. There are four product versions available in which the pixel sizes are 32, 64, 128 and 512 metres. The dataset does not contain elevation values; it is a colour image that visualises the height of the terrain above sea level as zones. The product Elevation zones is available as a version that covers the whole country and as versions that cover a certain area. The product belongs to the open data of the National Land Survey of Finland. More information: Topographic data and how to acquire it http://www.maanmittauslaitos.fi/en/maps-and-spatial-data/expert-users/topographic-data-and-how-acquire-it.
Municipal Division is a dataset depicting the municipal division in the whole of Finland. The Municipal Division dataset is produced in scales 1:10,000, 1:100,000, 1:250,000, 1:1,000,000 and 1:4,500,000. The data included in the dataset in scale 1:10,000 are taken from the cadastral registry. Regarding other scales, municipal boundaries have been generalised to suit the scale in question. The Municipal Division dataset is available as products both in vector and raster format. The products in vector format contain the number codes of the municipalities, the names of the municipalities in both Finnish and in Swedish as well as municipal boundaries and municipal geographical areas. In addition, the vector product includes the corresponding information about the regions, the State Administrative Agencies and the nation as well as a specification of the municipality's area into land and water area in MapInfo and Shape format. Products in raster format include municipal boundaries only. The product belongs to the open data of the National Land Survey of Finland. More information: Topographic data and how to acquire it http://www.maanmittauslaitos.fi/en/maps-and-spatial-data/expert-users/topographic-data-and-how-acquire-it .
Hillshade is a raster dataset visualising the elevation of the terrain. There are five product versions available in which the pixel sizes are 2, 8, 32, 64, 128 and 512 metres (old versions in PNG format and pixel sizes 10, 40, 80, 160 and 640 metres are still available through 2016). Pixel size 2 m has been produced of the dataset Elevation model 2 m and it does not cover the whole of Finland. The other sizes have been produced of the dataset Elevation model 10 m and they cover the whole country. The material does not contain elevation values; it is a greyscale image that visualises the direction and steepness of hills. The product belongs to the open data of the National Land Survey of Finland. More information: Topographic data and how to acquire it http://www.maanmittauslaitos.fi/en/maps-and-spatial-data/expert-users/topographic-data-and-how-acquire-it.
The Topographic map series is a dataset depicting the terrain of all of Finland. The key elements in it are the road network, buildings and constructions, geographic names, waterways, land use and elevation. The more precise levels of the Topographic map series consist of the same map objects and map symbols depicted in the same way as in the familiar Basic map. Basic map raster is applicable to be used, for instance, as a base map for planning land use or for excursion and outdoor recreational purposes in mobile devices and in various Internet services associated with nature. When going over to the more general datasets in the Topographic map series, the number and visualisation of objects and map symbols changes. The generalised small-scale Topographic maps raster are applicable to be used as approach maps in e.g. mobile devices and Internet services. The product belongs to the open data of the National Land Survey of Finland. More information: Topographic data and how to acquire it http://www.maanmittauslaitos.fi/en/maps-and-spatial-data/expert-users/topographic-data-and-how-acquire-it
The Plain map series is a simple, plain and readable dataset product series in raster format that depicts the whole of Finland. The product is meant to be used as a background map whose character changes to a guide map in large scales. Impaired vision has been taken into account when designing the product. The key objects presented on the map are roads and railways, road names, buildings and constructions, administrative borders, waterways and other geographical names. The road network, public buildings and texts have been especially emphasised. The most usual limitations of colour vision have been taken into account in the use of colours. The product belongs to the open data of the National Land Survey of Finland. More information: Topographic data and how to acquire it http://www.maanmittauslaitos.fi/en/maps-and-spatial-data/expert-users/topographic-data-and-how-acquire-it.
The Background map series is a dataset product series in raster format that depicts the whole of Finland and that is meant for web use as a background material for thematic data. Its key objects are road names, roads and railways, buildings and constructions, administrative borders, geographical names, waterways, land use and addresses of buildings (from the Population Register Centre). The product belongs to the open data of the National Land Survey of Finland. More information: Topographic data and how to acquire it http://www.maanmittauslaitos.fi/en/maps-and-spatial-data/expert-users/topographic-data-and-how-acquire-it.